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Xbox 360 Hd Dvd Player Firmware Update

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by climsaturny1972 2020. 3. 3. 04:54


If this happens when you try to start the disc then it means critical data could not be read. Be sure to check the usb cable to the drive and its connections, and if you are using a different cable try swapping back the original to test with. To verify the connection try playing a DVD: if that doesn't work either then it must be a connection issue. If the DVD test works, try a different HD DVD. If that works then something is probably up with the disc, so try cleaning the disc. The Xbox player is pretty good at recovering from read errors once the movie starts, but read errors in critical areas of the disc used to start it up will cause this error.

If the movie starts up then dies with an error blade, note the error code (which is an 8-digit hex number). Try again and see if the problem is consistent.

Xbox 360 Hd Dvd Player Firmware Update

Error codes are caused by either bugs in the content on the disc, or by bugs in the player software itself. For player bugs, be sure you are running the latest version of the firmware (see below). Once you have confirmed you are running the latest player and the problem persists, then try searching the internet (or looking on the title-specific post that follows this one) for the error code and the title name which may lead you to a work-around.

If the player appears to hang with a black screen on startup (but pressing Display still works), and it is a network-aware title then you may have hit a problem with the downloaded content. If other discs work but this specific one does not, then this is likely the problem. First be sure you have the latest version of the player (see below). If the problem remains then you will need to delete the pstorage for that title (see below). What can happen is that the downloaded content can be corrupt o r have a bug, and the player will automatically run the downloaded content in preference to that on the shiny disc.

Deleting the pstorage works around the problem. If everything seems to stop, press Display: if nothing appears then its a 'hard hang' and the player has likely crashed: your only option is to reboot the Xbox. If Display works then it is a 'soft hang': chapter skipping or pressing Menu may get you out of this state. The Xbox button then Y will exit to the dashboard if the title refuses to continue. Such issues are rare, and can be caused by a title bug or player bug.

Be sure to be running the latest version of the player (see below). If the problem is reproducable I recommend searching the net for possible work-arounds, or report it to Microsoft.

If you are having trouble accessing networked content on a title, first off make sure you are signed into Xbox Live before starting the disc. This ensures you have a working network connection, and is a requirement before using any network features on the Xbox player. Next ensure Networking is enabled in the player: run any HD DVD disc, press Display, navigate to Network Settings and make sure Enable Network Access is checked. Additionally many network titles check the connection right when the disc starts up, so if you are not connected at that point then the network features will remain disabled. Second, be sure you are running the latest version of the player (see below). If this is all true but you still cannot connect to the networked content, check the support site for the disc you are using (many of the network error dialogs will include an error code and a web address to check for more assistance).

As a last resort you may need to delete the title's pstorage (see below). Persistant storage (or pstorage) is 192M of flash memory in the Xbox HD DVD drive that is used to store files for titles. There is a common area, an area for each studio, and an area for each title. Titles and studios are preventing from accessing each others areas.

(As you may guess, each 'area' here is really a subdirectory). Things that titles commonly store in these areas are bookmarks you have made and network downloads. To manage pstorage you need to go to the Xbox dashboard, go to the System blade, select Memory, then select HD DVD Player. You will see a list of title areas, along with their size. If you are lucky you will see an actual movie name, and you can select it and delete its pstorage.

However many titles right now will show up as 'Unknown Title', so to delete one you will need to guess which is the one you want to delete. It so happens that the most recently created title area is usually the last one one in the list, so try deleting that, or choose one based on the size: if most are tiny but one is many megabytes, chances are good that the large one is the network download. If this trial-and-error method does not work then you may nee d to delete everything from pstorage, which you do by stopping at the 'Storage Device' screen, navigating to the 'HD DVD Player' item and pressing Y for Device Options, then 'Delete All Content'. This will wipe every title's pstorage, so be aware of that.

(The fact that many show up as 'Unknown Title' is a problem that is being worked on: as newer titles appear which label their areas correctly, this problem should lessen). I’ll attempt to describe an issue that I was having so that people might be aware of it.When playing Halo 3, I was constantly having the ‘Select a storage device’ screen popup whlie playing. This happened pretty consistently, whether in singleplayer, multiplayer, or just the menu.I eventually found out that this was due to a faulty USB cable connecting to my HD-DVD player. It would constantly gain and lose connection to my 360, and this would confuse Halo 3, and even cause my 360 to crash quite often. Xbox Support claimed that this was due to a faulty 360, but I reproduced it on other systems, and confirmed that a different USB cable fixed the problem.Though my HD-DVD player isn’t even a month old yet, and my 360 is relatively new (Elite), support was not willing to send me a new USB cable. The main thing I am trying to say in this comment, is that a faulty USB cable (even the original one) can cause completely system instability, even when you aren’t using the HD-DVD drive at the time.

I also had my Microsoft USB cable go flaky on me. I had just purchased a new USB keyboard and plugged it into the back of the HD-DVD drive and then later realized that I couldn’t use the keyboard or see the HD-DVD in my dashboard.

I tried a new USB cable and everything was fine.I figured it was just luck so I saved the Microsoft USB cable and decided to sync up my Harmony remote when my PC lost connection with the remote during the sync. Microsoft’s 360 hardware quality (besides the super-durable controllers) has been disappointing, not to mention the DRM implementation for marketplace downloads. Hi, I just recently stumbled onto this board while searching for a problem that has occurred following the purchase and install of our 360’s HD DVD player. We bought it after the price drop for $50, thinking it would be a good purchase since there are already so many titles on HD. Things went great the first few nights, we watched several movies and then later played a few demos from XNA.

The next day we had the urge for a Halo3 bought stuck the disc in the 360 and it can’t read the disc. We’ve tried several other games and NOTHING. Sometimes a blade pops up with 'if this is an HDDVD please place in HDDVD drive,' others it just say unplayable disc in the bar at the bottom of the screen. It still plays movies in the drive of course, and we can play demos, but my hub recently bought an HD projector so we could enjoy the full potential of the 360’s HD properties, and the only thing we can do is watch movies.We’ve called Microsoft and they’ve sent us a box to send it back, but it sucks that we have to go without it for a whole week after spending so much money (we’ve bought SEVERAL HD DVD’s for pennies on the dollar). We ARE on our 6th repair through microsoft so we MIGHT get expedited shipping, hopefully it won’t take so long.After all that rambling, I just want to know if there has been anything similar to this happening? We updated as soon as we installed it, is there not a manual way to update the player?email=stephaneylaw@yahoo.com.

Hi, i noticed on the back of the 360 HD drive there are what seems to be 2 HDMI ports, at the moment i’m playing the HD drive through the 360 via the usb connection. I’ve got a full speck HDtv, the screen indicates what resolution it is playing in, for instance the PS3 plays bluray at full 1920 1080p, i guess because it is connected by HDMI cable however the 360 HD drive plays at 1920 1080i. I know you can buy an xbox HDMI lead, i’m assuming this would bump it up to 1080p but what are the 2 HDMI ports on the back of the HD drive for?. Hi.A while back I go the ring of death, so I bought a new x-box, an elite. I used the old hard drive from my original xbox. I plugged my hd-dvd player into the elite.

Xbox 360 Hd Dvd Player Firmware Update Download

Today I went to try and watch a film and I got an update from microsoft. Now all I get when I try to play a film is sound and the white Xbox 360 screen. It’s like something is not working with the picture somehow but the logo is still displayed.

I tried bourne identity and 300 but both produced the same problem. I even tried putting the new hard drive on the xbox and installing the software again, but it wouldn’t do it and I got the same problem. Anyone got any ideas?

Sound but only the logo picture???. I have been playing season 6 of 24 dvds then 15 minutes through it it stops and goes to the dashboard screen.I have downloaded the latest software updates for the player. The problem seemed to be fixed last night and I was able to watch an entire episode of 24 before it stopped.

Today, it is stopping every 5-7 minutes.Transformers locked up on me about 5-10 minutes into the movie today.I was able to watch Step Brothers but this was before I downloaded the dashboard update that changed the dashboard from the original Xbox 360 dashboard into the PS3/Wii dashboard (this sucks, btw). I haven’t tried Step Brothers since.All of this stuff has been happening only in the last week or so since I downloaded the dashboard update. I watched Corpse Bride today and the film played fine, no problems at all. Immediately following, I watched Transformers for the first time.

When the disc loaded I had a message about content update and then a message about adding a cookie both of which I allowed. When the film started, it periodically ‘cut out’ – the screen would go blank and it was almost as if the player was stopping and then starting again as the TV would show a picture aspect size message which is what it does when you switch a source on. The film played all the way to the end, it just kept ‘cutting out’ all the way through. Is there anything that could cause this?. I have 2 Xbox HD-DVD drives, and there definitely is something that has happened after the updates, as several movies have the loss of picture momentarily, but continues to play until the end.

This NEVER happened until right after the NXE update. Both 360’s have HDMI hookup. Did try with composite on older TV and it works flawlessly. I do believe this is an HDMI handshake issue of some kind, but I am definitely no expert on this.

It is frustrating because the hardware works fine, has to be software/firmware or something of the sort. Hope this helps. It happens on Top Gun, The Shooter, and I know a number of others.

The loss of picture is for only a few seconds. I however do not lose audio at all, only video. I am having the same problem as ctaylor52, dave, courtenay, and Jim: the video and audio blanks-out intermittently for a split second, then returns to normal. The phenomena is not deterministic (it does not always occur at the same timecode in the video). The video in question is Transformers (HD-DVD).The problem occurs on my home system.

The Xbox 360 (Arcade, without hard-drive) is connected to a Samsung HDTV via HDMI. I took the HD-DVD drive to my cousin’s house, and Transformers played all the way through without any glitches. However, his Xbox 360 (Pro, with hard-drive) was connected to his Viewsonic HDTV via component cable.As an experiment, we changed his connection from component to HDMI.

When we did this, the video glitching returned.This (limited) data points to a problem involving HDMI. I did not have the HD-DVD drive prior to the NXE dashboard, so I have no point of reference with the original dashboard firmware.Lastly, the heads-up display on the Transformers HD-DVD does not play properly.

Xbox 360 Hd Dvd Player Firmware Update Windows 10

The text factoids which appear at the bottom of the screen render properly, but the video commentary in the bottom right-hand corner does not appear (although the top and bottom borders are visible). I can suggest three possibilities: the video isn’t getting rendered at all, it’s getting rendered on the wrong layer, or the opacity of the video is set to zero.I’m most interested in a solution to the video glitching problem that does not involve a regression to component cables (which I don’t even own). Has any one found a solution to this issue? I picked up an 360 HD Dvd drive just to watch this movie because of the current low cost of both the player and the movie.There is a fix on lockergnome in regards to this movie and knocked up in that there is no video play back for the two movies. I understand this is not the same issue but I’m wondering if it could fix the issue.1. Go to the Systemblade2.

Scroll down and select Memory3. Scroll down and Select HD Player ( do NOT select Hard Drive)4. Here you will find the cookies from the HD DVD player, you will need to delete one that is 11mb but if you do not see that then delete all of the cookies, that is what I had to do5. So DELETE all of the cookies unless you have found the 11mb cookie then delete that one6.

Xbox One Hd Dvd Player

Try the disk again and if it comes up to a loading screen you have done it! Your movie will work nowThis will take several minutes to load so please do not hit cancel because that will take you back to square one. So there you go have fun watching your new movie and hopefully there will be a permanent fix so that this issue doesn’t happen again. Wonder if anyone else has had this problem. I bought myself a HD DVD drive for my xbox pro off ebay. Was very excited when it turned up with everything and still boxed.

Remote cd for updating the software. So installed it, plugged it all in and nothing. I put a disc in the drive and nothing happens I press ‘source’ on the remote nothing. I can’t see anything in the dashboard to select the HD DVD drive. COuld this be a faulty cable, or did I buy a knackered drive? Have e-mailed xbox support last week.

Still waiting on a reply:SK. Tested some more discs:Mission Impossible III: Paramount and VC-1 Codec plays totally fine.Babel, Transformers, Beowulf: Paramount and H.264 Codec play with multiple green screen cut outs per movie.Scary Movie 4: Believe this is also H.264 but not a Paramount film and plays fine.Black XMas: Also believe this is H.264 and not Paramount only had one minor green screen cut out.All other known VC-1 codec movies that I’ve played have no problems.But, it seems like some non-Paramount H.264 movies also play fine. And, MI:3, which is VC-1 and Paramount also plays fine. So it seems that the output of the H.264 encoder that Paramount was using does not agree with the XBOX 360 and NXEStrange. I’m having this same issue with the momentary source drop on Beowulf and Transformers I just tried a bunch of different HDMI and USB cables, plugging the HDMI’s into different sources on my TV and USB into different ports on the 360 with no success before checking online.Does anyone know who we can contact about this problem?

It’s definitely something to do with NXE, both of these HD-DVDs played flawlessly before it came out.Please don’t make me resort to sending Major Nelson a Live Message.;p. Any news on the Transformers/HDMI jumpy issue? Just watched it with probably 10 errors. Plays all the way through.Not changing to Component as HDMI 1080p is far better and sharper.I know MS don’t support the HDDVD any more but surely a 10 min fix and a quick update from them would not harm the millions of HDDVD lovers out there still.If this isn’t fixed I may have to look for a cheap stand alone player on ebay!Any one have a list of dodgy Paramount HDDVDs so that I don’t waste money getting them?.